Getting back into the Swing of things!


Well hello there world! It feels so long since I’ve written anything. My beautiful baby girl, Violet Olive, was born 6 weeks ago. 6 weeks! I can’t understand where all of that time has gone, but at the same time I can’t remember what our family was like without her here! Like her sister before her, Violet loves to be held, constantly! Mainly by me as I’m the one full of milky goodness 😊 So it’s hard to get much done apart from my mummy duties.

I have missed writing though, so whilst I may not be able to make regular posts at the minute, I do want to get back into blogging. If I get a few spare minutes here and there I’ll use them wisely ☺️

Documenting my life in words and pictures may not sound important to some, but for me it is incredibly important. For that short time I am more than mum. I become the creative woman that is buried away under feeding babies and tantrum ins toddlers! I will continue to write about my family life and also blog about my daily outfits and review some of my beautiful dresses πŸ˜€

I’m still getting used to my post-baby body, but my love for clothes and vintage fashion will never fade! So whilst I may not have the best figure yet, I aren’t going to hide myself away behind baggy, frumpy clothes. This is who I am and it feels so good to be back! Β πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

Miss Dixie Diamond πŸ’Ž

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